Thursday 11 October 2007


Partricarchy: male domination of the political, cultural and socioeconomic system.

Binary opposition: Strauss...good vs evil (dichotomies) in this is england police vs gangs n black vs white...

capitalism: an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods and services in society is organised via a free market for the purpose of maximising profits.

case study: an in depth study of a person, event or social phenomenon, involving the collection, analysis and evaluation of data which can then be used suggest links with wider issues.

representation: the process whereby the media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sound for transmission through media to an audience.

stereotypes : the social classificdation of a group of people by identifying common characteristics and universally applying them in an often oversimplified and generalised way, such that the classification represents value judgements and assumptions about the groups concerned.

youth subcultures: any of a range of youth subcultures from the 1950's through to the present day, including the aspects of dress, behaviour, music and relationships.

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